Get Involved

There are many ways you can get involved!

Join the Friends

Your donation provides funding for our library programs and speakers as
well as for what is needed to supplement the library’s offerings. We are a
501(c)3 organization so all contributions are tax deductible. Thank you for
your membership. We are grateful for your support.

Annual Membership:
Single: $15
Couple: $20
Family: $25
Senior (65+): $10
Student: $10
Supporting Membership:
Editors Circle: $50
Publishers Club: $100

Payment Options
Pay online with a credit card. Pay Now

Or mail a check payable to:
Friends of the North End Branch Library
P.O. Box 130197
Boston, MA 02113

Or deposit a check in the Red Box next to our Book Sale in the back of
the North End Library at 25 Parmenter Street.

Attend Monthly Meetings

Come join us at the Library for our monthly meetings held the 2nd Wednesday of the month, September to June, from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm. Bring new ideas and help plan our events.


If interested, please email us at Current activities include:

  • Sort book donations
  • Help with programs and events
  • Teach a class
  • Give a lecture
  • Help with marketing / communications

Buy an Item off the Wishing Tree

Purchase an item from our Librarian’s wish list off the Wishing Tree in the Library.

Buy / Donate Books

Our ongoing Friends Book Sale at the back of the Library is a main source of funds used to sponsor events and purchase items for the Library.

BUY:  Paperbacks:  $1 each or 5 for $4.  Hardcover:  $2 each or 3 for $5.

DONATE:  Only books in good condition. No textbooks please.